

這個禮拜,全體台灣棒球球迷一起瘋狂於世界棒球經典賽中,一起為中華棒球健兒加油,不管我們輸了也好,贏了也罷,我認為我們最大勝利是台灣的內部團結,我們所有人都希望台灣能贏,沒有人說誰是「台奸」,大家都愛台灣,原來沒有政治力介入的台灣是如此的美麗。我要將這首「World in Union」送給給中華棒球健兒及全體台灣球迷們,為大家的表現喝采,希望大家都點擊聽聽看。
World in Union」是每四年舉辦的世界杯橄欖球賽主題曲,2007在法國舉行,這個眾星合唱版的「World in Union」是我最喜歡的版本;2011年在紐西蘭舉行,由 Hayley Westenra主唱的這個版本也是極動聽,不管是眾星版還是海莉版,我聽了常常會感動得落淚。這次看了中華棒球健兒及全體台灣球迷們精彩感人的表現,讓我想起了這首歌,故將此歌送給大家。
這首「World in Union」其實是改編自古典樂曲霍爾斯特「行星組曲」中的「木星Jupiter」,希望大家能夠聽完,聽完後你將會發現,原本很多我們所熟悉的旋律都是來自這首「木星Jupiter」。
以下是「World in Union」的歌詞
There's a dream I feel,
so rare, so real:
All the world in union,
the world as one

gathering together,
one mind, one heart,
Every creed, every colour,
once joined never apart.

Searching for the best in me,
I will find what I can be,
If I win, lose or draw,
there's a winner in us all,

It's the world in union, the world as one,
as we climb to reach our destiny,
Our New Age has begun!

We face high mountains,
must cross rough seas,
We must take our place in history,
and live with dignity,

Just to be the best I can
Sets the goal for every man,
If I win, lose or draw,
it's a victory for all,

It's the world in union, the world as one,
as we climb to reach our destiny,
Our New Age has begun.

Build the world in the union,
Our New Age has begun!!

